Recent posts
February 20, 2017
Write up SHX 3 (PHP Security) - Hello Photo
This is the last Write Up about SHX 3 from Shellter Labs.Problem description: Your friend asked you to verify that the new website that he is developing is secure. Can you help him?It is also provided the link to the site to be explored, that has...
February 16, 2017
Write up SHX 3 (PHP Security) - Quantum Photos
This is another Write Up of SHX 3 from Shellter Labs, continuing with the theme Security with PHPProblem description: “We know that flag is in the source code. Can you read it?”It also offer a link to the site to be explored, and when you access ...
February 15, 2017
Write up SHX 3 (PHP Security) - Omni Corp
For those unfamiliar with information security competitions in the CTF (Capture The Flag) style, a “Write Up” is a description of a solution to a specific CTF challenge. If you have never heard of CTF, you can start with this link.This Write Up is...
February 13, 2017
ECMAScript 6 and incompatibilities
ECMAScript 6 is the last version of the ECMAScript standard, this standard serves as the basis for the implementation of JavaScript. ES6 adds some interesting features to JavaScript, such as: Class Definition, Default Arguments in Functions, Const...